Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. Your feedback will help us identify ways to improve your service. Simply check the answer that best corresponds or type an answer in the blank space provided.


Question Title

* 1. What city do you live in?

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* 2. How did you pay today? If you used a pass, which type:

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* 3. If you paid cash for your fare, how much did you pay?

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* 4. Have you ever purchased a pass or tickets online?

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* 5. Do you use a mobility device?

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* 6. Do you require assistance from the driver to get to and from the door of your residence or destination?

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* 7. Does your Dial-a-Ride service arrive within fifteen (15) minutes of the time given?

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* 8. How long does your usual trip on Dial-A-Ride take?

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* 9. Which of the following best describes where you your currently live?

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* 10. How often do you use the Dial-A-Ride service?

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* 11. Where is the first place you look for information about Dial-A-Ride/Ben Franklin Transit services?

Question Title

* 12. Please check the boxes that best describe why and how often you travel using Dial-A-Ride.

  Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Travel to work
Medical or dental appointment
Visit family or friends

Question Title

* 13. Is Dial-A-Ride your only means of transportation?

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* 14. If Dial-A-Ride is not your only means of transportation, what other modes do you use? Check all that apply.

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* 15. Have you ever used Travel Training to learn how to ride our buses? (If interested, call Customer Service: 509.735.5100)

Question Title

* 16. Please rate the following aspects of the Dial-A-Ride service.

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor
Hours of operation
Phone-in reservation service
Length of ride
Driver appearance
Driver courtesy
Vehicle appearance (clean, well maintained, etc.)
Comfort of vehicle
Amount paid

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* 17. What ethnic group do you consider yourself a part of or identify with? Please check all that apply. **Optional**

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* 18. What is your age? **Optional**

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* 19. What languages are spoken in your home? Check all that apply.

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* 20. How many people live in your house, including you?

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* 21. What was the total income of your household last year before taxes? **Optional**

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* 22. Were you aware that service hours were extended, and the buses now run from 6am – 8pm Monday through Friday, and 7am – 7pm on Saturday?

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* 23. In the past year, do you feel BFT Dial-A-Ride service is:

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* 24. Please tell us how we can make your experience with Ben Franklin Transit more enjoyable.

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* 25. What is your name? (first & last name)