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The Victorian Bar is conducting a survey to ascertain the extent to which its members are actively involved in the field of arbitration.  This includes Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), World Bank’s Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), International Commercial, Domestic, Family Law and sports law arbitration.

This survey is intended to allow the Victorian Bar to collect relevant data to enable it to formulate policies and initiatives to assist members to further develop their arbitration practices.

Please complete the survey by Wednesday, 15 September, 2021

Question Title

* 1. How is your practise split between arbitration and non-arbitration work?

Non arbitration work Please select approximate split Arbitration work
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 2. Are you seeking more arbitration work?

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* 3. In relation to your arbitration practise, are you (tick all that apply):

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* 4. In relation to your recent arbitration practise, estimate the proportion of that practise which was:

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* 5. Which areas would you like to include in your arbitration practise (tick all that apply):

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* 6. Would you be interested in developing a new arbitral area in your practise if it (initially) was on reduced, nominal or an honorary basis?

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* 7. This question applies to your practise as an arbitrator. If you do not practise as an arbitrator, please leave this blank.
Please list the number of awards published / given in last 5 years:

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* 8. In relation to arbitrations where you have appeared in as counsel (not as an arbitrator), please list the number of arbitrations you have appeared in for the last 5 years.

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* 9. Are you a member of a dispute resolution body(ies) and, if so, specify each body and your membership status within that body?

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* 10. Would you be interested in becoming a member of any additional dispute resolution bodies to increase your profile as an arbitration practitioner?

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* 11. In the last 10 years, have you attended any conferences or CPD programmes in which arbitration was a feature and, if so, please specify (approximately) conference or programme, location, and whether you participated as as an attendee or presenter:

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* 12. Does your arbitration practise include the following (please tick all that apply)?

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* 13. Do you consider that maintaining an active professional presence on websites other than the VicBar website has contributed, in a material way, to increasing your profile as an arbitration practitioner?

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* 14. Would you like to be listed in the arbitration sections of the following websites?

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* 15. Would you support an arbitration field being added to the VicBar website, which identifies your practise in arbitration, including areas of specialty?

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* 16. What do you want from the VicBar to assist in your arbitration practise?

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* 17. Would you be interested in joining a panel of barristers to be part of a Court protocol whereby disputes are referred to arbitration with a panel member being appointed as arbitrator on a fixed fee basis based on the amount in dispute?

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* 18. Do you have interstate/overseas chambers?

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* 19. If you have chambers outside Victoria, do you consider those chambers have contributed, in a material way, to expanding your arbitration practise?

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* 20. If you don't already have interstate/overseas chambers, would you be interested in having interstate/overseas chambers?

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* 21. Would you be interested in exploring the possibility of joining a group of members from the Victorian Bar to maintain chambers in Singapore if the cost per annum to do so did not exceed $5000 for juniors and $10,000 for senior counsel?

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* 22. What are your:

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* 23. Are you senior counsel or junior counsel?

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* 24. How many years call are you?

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* 25. Please enter your name and email (If you would like to remain anonymous, please do not complete the fields below)

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