This form should take 3-5 minutes to complete. If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Enderlein (

Question Title

* 1. Your Information:

Question Title

* 2. Information on who you would like to nominate. This will help us connect with the right person.

Question Title

* 3. What position(s) are you recommending this person for?
In 2024, our focus is on the AGU Board, Council, and section leadership positions.

You can also see the list of committees online on the AGU website or the specific positions open on Volunteer Central. You may also just give us a general category you think would be a good fit (publications, meetings, honors, open science, community science, finance, etc.).

Volunteer Central:
AGU Committees:

Question Title

* 4. Why you think they'd be good for the position? What skills, experiences, and/or perspectives do you think they'd bring?