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* 1. Name

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* 2. Email Address

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* 3. Phone Number

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* 4. Did you watch Bishop Jennifer Reddall’s video about “Regathering” or read her written statement?

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* 5. If a maximum number of 50 people were allowed in a service, where masks would be required, no touching was allowed, no prayer books available, no Communion, no choir nor congregational singing, no social gatherings or congregating in the narthex or on the front porch before and after services, how likely would you be to attend a service?

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* 6. If online worship continued largely as currently offered (e.g. staff musicians or our choir recording music and recorded sermons) would you be more likely to attend online or in person given the in-person option with restrictions outlined above?

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* 7. Would you be likely or unlikely to participate in receiving Communion if it were offered (Bread only)?

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* 8. Would any of the following be of interest to you?  (Choose as many as you like)

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* 9. What online or virtual content would you and/or your family find helpful at this time?  (Optional)