Call for Papers for Biodiversity Without Boundaries 2021

NatureServe seeks submissions to the agenda for the Biodiversity Without Boundaries 2021 Conference, to be held virtually April 26 and 28 and May 3 and 5. To assist our attendees in building their agendas for the virtual event, we have identified a number of Tracks that will provide the basis for the conference programming. We will give preference to presentations that support one or more the Tracks.

Tracks for BWB2021:
1. Tools & Tech: profiling the latest advancements that support our mission of getting data to decision makers
2. Data & Methods: how are we keeping our data current & meeting stakeholder needs, standards (observations, habitat models)
3. Network Initiatives: profiling Network efforts to advance strategic initiatives, biodiversity monitoring, citizen science and other Network-wide objectives
4. Collaboration & Innovation: highlighting the best collaborative projects across the Network, including those with NatureServe and other stakeholders
5. Emerging Issues: climate change, public health & biodiversity, and other trends that affect biodiversity
6. Invasive Species monitoring and management
7. Meeting Stakeholder Needs: Providing access to data so that various sectors (forestry, housing, energy, Federal/state agencies) can protect biodiversity

Types of proposals sought
For this event, we have the following options for participation in the conference agenda:
1. Presentations: 20 minutes maximum (note-to accommodate as many presenters as possible we may offer a shorter timeslot)
2. Rountable: Casual, topic-based conversation among participants; 1 hour long. Note: if you choose a roundtable, you will be responsible for hosting and facilitating the topic rountable (we will provide the Zoom set up only)
3. Notes from the Field: Please provide 1 PPT slide and a written description that can be read in 90 seconds or less OR provide a 90 second (or less) video presenting your topic
4.  Abstract only (For inclusion in a PDF of all Abstracts)

Proposals must be received by 11:59 PM Eastern on Friday March 12th. Proposals received after this deadline may not be able to be included.

Question Title

* 1. Your Name

Question Title

* 2. Employer

Question Title

* 3. Title

Question Title

* 4. Your Email Address

Question Title

* 5. Your Phone Number

Question Title

* 6. Submission Type

Question Title

* 7. Topic(c)s covered (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 8. Topic Title

Question Title

* 9. Brief Description of Content

Question Title

* 10. Please submit attachments/abstracts via email to  Use the box below for any other notes you have.