
Thank you for coming by the HCA Booth! Have fun picking the correct answers to our trivia questions. To be entered into the drawing, please follow @hca_coffee on Instagram and @hawaii.coffees on Facebook. We will text you if you win.


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* 1. Please fill in your contact info.

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* 2. Your Social Media Handle (fill in one):

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* 3. What is your role in the coffee industry?

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* 4. Are you interested in signing up for the HCA Newsletter?

And now for our Hawaii coffee trivia...

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* 5. In October 2023, the HCA hosted which USCoffeeChamps prelims competition?

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* 6. Coffee first arrived to Hawai'i from Brazil in 1825. What island was it first planted on?

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* 7. Farmers switched from the Brazilian variety, colloquially known as Old Hawaiian, to which variety from Guatemala after it's arrival at the end of the 1800's?

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* 8. In the 1900s, what were the two major agricultural crops of the Hawaiian islands?

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* 9. When the sugarcane industry began to lose its dominance in the 1980s, what crop replaced sugar?

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* 10. How many of the Hawaiian islands does coffee grow on?

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* 11. How many official coffee growing regions exist on the Hawaiian Islands?

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* 12. Kona coffee grows on which island?

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* 13. What are the coffee growing regions of Hawai'i Island? (check all that apply)

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* 14. What is the approximate growing area of Kaua'i coffee?