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* 1. What was your overall experience with the Summer Challenge 2018? 

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* 2. Approximately how much of the Summer Challenge Game Board did you complete?

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* 3. How do you feel about the game board design and badge stickers?

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* 4. Did you lose interest in Summer Challenge 2018 and if so what were the reasons? Please select as many that apply to you and/or your child's summer reading experience. Not all answers may fit your own experience.

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* 5. If your child received a prize (NOT a raffle ticket) did you like the choices offered to them?

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* 6. What is the likelihood that you and/or your family will participate in the Summer Challenge next year?

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* 7. How could Green Tree Public Library improve the Summer Challenge for next year? Share your ideas and tell us what you loved (or didn't love) about this year!

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* 8. This question is for families with children and teens: if you would like your child to be entered into a drawing for free tickets to the Children's Theater Festival please enter your name and phone number below. If not leave this section blank.

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* 9. If you would like to enter yourself into a drawing for a gift card please enter your name and phone number below. If not leave this section blank.