12-Volt Compressor Refrigerator Poll
How would you rate the reliability of your built-in 12-volt compressor refrigerator?
Very reliable
Mostly reliable
Not reliable
Does hot weather impact the performance of your built-in 12-volt compressor refrigerator?
No. It stays cold in hot weather.
Yes. It struggles to stay cold in hot weather.
Yes. It does not stay cold enough in hot weather.
How would you rate the noise of your built-in compressor refrigerator?
It’s completely silent.
It makes an audible noise that doesn’t bother us.
It makes an audible noise that bothers us.
How would you rate the power consumption of your built-in 12-volt compressor refrigerator?
Much less than expected.
Less than expected.
As expected.
More than expected.
Significantly more than expected.
Has the power draw of your built-in 12-volt refrigerator necessitated in adding batteries and/or solar panels to your camper?
No. The batteries and solar we started with were sufficient.
Yes. Additional batteries were necessary.
Yes. Additional solar panels were necessary.
Yes. Additional batteries and solar panels were necessary.
Assuming you now have a battery system that is able to keep up with your built-in 12-volt compressor refrigerator, what size is your current battery system?
Under 100Ah
More than 600Ah
Assuming you now have a solar panel system that is now able to keep up with your built-in 12-volt compressor refrigerator what size is your current solar panel set-up?
Under 100 watts
100 watts
200 watts
300 watts
400 watts
500 watts
600 watts
More than 600 watts
If you had the option, would you order your next camper with a built-in 12-volt compressor or a gas absorption refrigerator?
12-volt compressor refrigerator
Gas absorption refrigerator