2024 "Art is Labor." Follow-up Survey Thank you for your interest in the “Art is Labor.” campaign! BACP and DCASE are currently planning the departments' collaborative work to support creative workers in 2025. We hope and expect this work to be carried out with other partners at the State and in the sector.Help us plan by answering these quick questions.All responses to this survey are anonymous. Question Title * 1. Did you attend or watch one of the "Creative Worker Rights: Art is Labor" webinars? You can find links to the webinars at Chicago.gov/CreativeWork. Yes No I was not aware of the webinars until taking this survey. Question Title * 2. What legal topics are you most interested in for future webinars? Please rank the following choices by using the arrows to move the options up or down in order (1 being your top choice and 4 being your lowest choice).If you have other suggestions, please include in the text box below. 1 2 3 4 This is not a priority for me. Employment laws for interns, apprentices and youth workers This is not a priority for me. 1 2 3 4 This is not a priority for me. Employment laws around remote work This is not a priority for me. 1 2 3 4 This is not a priority for me. State of IL's new pay transparency law (starting Jan. 1, 2025) This is not a priority for me. 1 2 3 4 This is not a priority for me. Workplace discrimination and harassment laws This is not a priority for me. Question Title * 3. What capacity-building topics are you most interested in? Please rank the following choices by using the arrows to move the options up or down in order (1 being your top choice and 4 being your lowest choice).If you have other suggestions, please include in the text box below. 1 2 3 4 This is not a priority for me. HR paperwork for small businesses and organizations: what you need and what you need to know This is not a priority for me. 1 2 3 4 This is not a priority for me. Retirement plans for small organizations and businesses This is not a priority for me. 1 2 3 4 This is not a priority for me. Medical, Dental, Vision insurance for small organizations and businesses This is not a priority for me. 1 2 3 4 This is not a priority for me. Best practices for drafting contracts This is not a priority for me. Question Title * 4. Please add any other topics of interest here: Question Title * 5. How do you hope to hear about future webinars or new resources? Please rank the following options. To help us understand who we are connecting with, please share a bit about yourself: Question Title * 6. Select the statement(s) that most accurately reflect(s) what brought you to the “Art is Labor” campaign/webinars. Select all that apply. I am a full-time, W2, salaried employee. I am a part-time or temporary, W2, employee. I earn all of my income from 1099s (contract work, commissions, stipends, or another means not listed here). I earn some of my income from 1099s (contract work, including commissions, stipends, or another means not listed here). I am self-employed/have my own business. I signed up for/attended a webinar on behalf of myself. I signed up for/attended a webinar on behalf of an organization/business I am a part of. Labor conditions, rights, and advocacy are part of my job. Labor conditions, rights, and advocacy are my passion. Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Please share your race/ethnicity. American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black/African-American Hispanic/Latino/a/x/e Middle Eastern or North African Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander White Multiracial Other Prefer not to answer Question Title * 8. Please share your age. 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 and older Prefer not to answer Question Title * 9. Please share your gender. Female Male Non-binary/Third Gender Other Prefer not to answer Question Title * 10. Do you identify as a person with a disability? Yes No Prefer not to answer Question Title * 11. Is English your first language? Yes No Prefer not to answer Question Title * 12. If your first language is not English, please share your first language here. Question Title * 13. Do you live in the City of Chicago? Yes No Prefer not to answer Thank you for taking the time to help us plan! Done