Please fill out the form at the bottom as a pre-registration. You will NOT receive a confirmation email from this RSVP. We will email you Zoom information a week before class. Si necesita clases crianza para padres en español, regístrese aquí:

Active Parenting of Teens© (6 sessions)
For parents of children ages 11-18
October 1 - November 5, 2025
Tuesdays 6:30pm-8pm on Zoom

Session 1: The Active Parent
Session 2: Winning Cooperation with Active Communication
Session 3: Responsibility & Discipline
Session 4: Building Courage & Redirecting Misbehavior
Session 5: Reducing the Risks: Drugs & Sexuality
Session 6: Review, Exit Surveys and Celebration

A Family Connection Parenting Educator will email you with further information such as a welcome email reminder to attend, online access code/link, weekly topics and be able to answer any questions you may have.

Parenting Programs taught by The Family Connection are free to any southern Oregon families that wish to participate. Feel free to share this free resource with a friend.

Where is the advertising for these programs? On The Family Connection's Facebook and "Families-Parents" pages.
Who can attend? ANYONE.
Do parents/grandparents have to attend the whole program or can they tune in for a weekly topic? Weekly topics will be advertised. ANYONE can attend any weekly topic.

*Our only ask is that if Jackson/Josephine parents are court-mandated, that they let the Parenting Educator know so our organization can track attendance and give a certificate of completion for the attendee's records. TFC is not an ODHS program.

Do you need more info? Having trouble registering? Need extra supports for attendance? Please contact The Family Connection | | 541-734-5150 x1050 (the TFC office is inside of Head Start, the message will be an automated Head Start message)

Si necesita clases crianza para padres en español, regístrese aquí:

Question Title

* 1. Name of Adults Attending (First and Last):

Question Title

* 2. Phone Number:
*Needed to complete an over the phone exit survey.

Question Title

* 3. Email Address:
*Needed to send weekly topics with webinar links and PDF handouts.

Question Title

* 4. Home Shipping Address:
*Needed to send a "Family Box" on session 3 or 4 with your graduation gift, family activities, hard copy of parent handbook and other community resources. If you accept a Family Box from us, please graduate our program.

Question Title

* 5. All are welcome. How did you hear about this program? (ex. playgroup, school, Head Start, family support worker, friend/family).

Question Title

* 6. We will use this information for the above stated reasons as wrap around support to your Parenting Class: