
The EOPS New Student Survey is one-time assessment that will help the EOPS Office better understand student retention.  Though personally identifiable information is collected in the survey, all answers will be stripped of identifiable markers if shared outside of EOPS.   

Your participation is voluntary. Furthermore, you may stop taking the survey at any time without finishing. All survey responses will be kept on a password-protected hard drive.  There are no foreseeable risks involved in participating in this survey beyond those experienced in everyday life. For example, you may experience some discomfort responding to few of the questions, as they ask you to reflect and assess your abilities.  Last, the survey takes approximately 3-5 minutes to complete.

If you have any concerns about the survey or would like it in a different accessible format, please contact Richard Alfaro, Dean of Student Services, at

Question Title

* 1. Clicking ‘Yes’ below indicates that you have read the information provided and agree to participate in the New Student survey.  Clicking 'No' below indicates that you decline to participate in this survey.