Question Title

* 1. Did you participate in or have since watched any of the sessions from the Virtual Housing Summit (originally aired on 8/11 and 8/12)?  If so, which did you watch and which would you recommend?

  Yes, I watched this Yes, I'd recommend this to others
The Minneapolis Story: Zoning and Policy Innovation
Creative Ways Faith Communities are Addressing Homelessness
Increasing Residential Density with Manufactured ADUs
Moving Beyond Yesterday’s Mobile Homes: Resident-Owned Communities
Developing and Implementing a Robust Affordable Housing Strategy: Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together
Keys to Successful Home-sharing
Transitions to Success: Adding the “Supportive” to the Housing
Streamlining Bureaucracy to Reduce the Cost of Housing
Breaking Out of the Housing Trap - Strong Towns
Leveraging Technology to Coordinate Care for Individuals
Innovations in the Capital Stack: Crowdfunding, Charitable Capital, and Pay-For-Success
Leveraging Land Banks and Community Land Trusts to Create Short-Term Opportunities and Long-Term Affordability
Innovative Ways to Build Community--Not Just Housing
Win-Win: How Strategies to Increase Affordable Housing and Help Address Climate Change
Increasing Residential Density with Zone, Codes, and Policy Innovation
Scaling Up the Building of Economical ADUs
Cost-saving Breakthroughs in Home Manufacturing
How to create affordable building lots using ADU rules
Low-Cost Housing Options to House the Unhoused (And Those at Risk of Becoming Homeless)
Expanding Co-ops, Co-housing and Limited Equity Models
Creative Strategies to Provide Affordable Housing for Veterans
Integrating Fair Housing Into Your Community Strategy
Practical Options for Recovery Housing as a Response to the Opioid Epidemic
How to Manage Local Opposition to Housing and Reform the Public Meeting Process
Innovations to Increase Resident Ownership
Harnessing the Power of Youth for Affordable Housing
Case Study: Innovations in Housing First
Tiny Homes for Millennials
South Dakota Governor’s Homes: A Statewide Program for Affordable, Ownable Housing for Low Income Individuals and Households
A Strategy Map Template to Increase Naturally Affordable Housing
Introduction to Pocket Neighborhoods

Question Title

* 2. Any comments, suggestions, or other feedback?