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Satisfaction Survey

The purpose of this survey is to measure how you feel about the success of the quilt show so we can learn and make better decisions in the future.  

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* 1. What do you see as the most important reason to host a quilt show:

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* 2. What aspect of the show do you personally find most challenging?

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* 3. If we host a show in the future, should judging be added back to the event.

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* 4. What in your opinion is the largest problem with hosting the show at Griffith Hall

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* 5. How satisfied are you with the success of the show?

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* 6. If you were to remove one activity of the quilt show to increase your level of support and decrease effort required what would you remove?  Keep in mind that removing these activities will decrease profits.

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* 7. Efforts were made to change venue but we could not find one to meet all the needs of the show.  If you have a venue suggestion please provide it here:

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* 8. Do you have any suggestions for improving the show or other suggestions for raising the necessary funds to support the guild

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* 9. Do you have any suggestions for a different time for hosting a show or event?  

0 of 9 answered