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Dear Client/Service User,

York Hills is committed to creating a workplace that is dedicated to the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion in providing services to everyone. As part of this work, the organization is requesting your participation by completing a the Client Service/User Self-Assessment Survey.

The survey will help the organization have a better understanding of the needs of the communities and individuals within them. It will also help to look at how effective the organizations work is in providing mental health supports and services to York Region's diverse communities.

It should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete all of the questions. Where questions refer to social identities, this includes race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, geographic location, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, people with visible and non-visible disabilities, etc.  Please answer each question selecting the response that best describes your level of agreement with each statement.  We ask that you be open and candid in selecting your responses to the survey questions.

We understand that you may not be able to answer every question in the survey.  For those questions that do not fit, you can simply skip or select ‘Don't know'. You are also invited and may choose to provide written remarks at the end of the survey to further highlight your ideas and opinions.

All information shared will be unidentifiable, will only be viewed by staff of the organization hired to conduct the self-assessment, and will be used to compile collective responses within the completed DEI Organizational Self-Assessment Report.

Your responses are invaluable to the work for equity for all, and we thank you for your time and consideration in completing the survey.

Below are key definitions used in the survey to support your completion:

Cultural Sensitivity: is the knowledge, awareness and acceptance of people of other cultures.
Cultural Humility: is being open to learning about another person's cultural identity and working to understand their worldview and any oppression or discrimination that they may have experienced.
Culturally Relevant: refers to an organizations effort to ensure what they do and how they practice their work meets the needs of the diverse people who they service
Culturally Safe: an environment that is spiritually, socially and emotionally safe where there is no assault, challenge or denial of their identity, of who they are and what they need
Diversity: refers to how difference should be both embraced and celebrated
Inclusion: an organizational practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized
Equity: is the provision of opportunities for equality for all by responding to the needs of individuals.
Social Location/Identities: An individual's social identity or location indicates who they are in terms of the groups to which they belong.  Social groups are usually defined by some physical, social, and mental characteristics of individuals.
Underrepresented Group: is a group that is less represented in one subset than in the general population. This can refer to gender, race/ethnicity, physical or mental ability, LGBTQ2S+ status, and many more. 

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* 1. The organization conducts effective outreach to recruit diverse staff and volunteers.

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* 2. The organization’s board membership is reflective of  the diversity ofthe community

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* 3. The organization’s current printed materials (e.g., brochures, posters, educational resources) and media (website, social media, etc.), reflect and affirm the social identities of clients/service users, and eliminates stereotypes.

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* 4. The organization consults with clients/service users and community stakeholders of diverse cultural backgrounds when developing programs and services.

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* 5. The organization welcomes community experts and healers to provide additional supports to individuals or families served.

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* 6. The facilities’ design and décor where I visit, reflects and affirms the diverse background of clients/service users.

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* 7. Staff, associates and placement students at the organization demonstrate cultural humility by engaging in conversations about their own identity and background in a way that honours my own experiences.

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* 8. Staff, associates and placement students that I work with are able to initiate discussions about my culture and identity needs in a way that is comfortable to me.

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* 9. Staff, associates and placement students use my views, personal experiences and expertise of wellness and illness in their approach to mental health supports and services

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* 10. Staff, associates and placement students at the organization share and use a service approach that I fully understand.

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* 11. Staff, associates and placement students at the organization use a service approach that are culturally relevant and culturally safe.

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* 12. Staff, associates and placement students take appropriate action in response to incidents of discrimination, harassment and/or bias I may experience.

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* 13. There are staff and volunteers working at the organization of similar cultures, backgrounds and social identities to mine.

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* 14. The diversity of the staff group reflects the diversity of underrepresented communities.

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* 15. If I have concerns or issues around matters of race, class, gender and/or sexual orientation, etc., I feel safe to approach staff at the organization

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* 16. Volunteers and placement students working with the organization understand and respect cultural values and differences outside of their own identity.

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* 17. I am encouraged to participate in decisions about the types of services and supports I receive at the organization.

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* 18. I believe mental health services and supports offered by the organization meets the needs of underrepresented communities.

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* 19. I was asked about my needs and preferences specific to my culture, background and social identity in a way that was welcoming and affirming.

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* 20. I was treated as whole person (i.e. taking into consideration my strengths, abilities and personal needs).

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* 21. I would recommend this agency to other individuals within my community because of the organization’s attention to culture, background and social identity.

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* 22. My voice is heard, valued, respected and included at this organization.

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* 23. Have you experienced any prejudice or biased treatment at York Hills because of your culture, background or social identity? If yes, please share your experience/s:

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* 24. What could this organization do differently to serve underrepresented populations in the community?

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* 25. What are some things the organization could do to better support you during the COVID-19 pandemic?

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* 26. Overall, on a scale from 1 to 5, where 5 is Very Competent and 1 is Not Very Competent, please rate the organization’s ability to effectively provide diverse, equitable and inclusive mental health services.

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* 27. What else should we have asked in the survey?

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* 28. Please share any additional comments on your experiences as a client/service user, and any suggestions you have for improvement of services provided by York Hills Centre for Children, Youth and Families.

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