Grassroots advocates are the cornerstone of WHCA’s legislative work, and we are committed to making your engagement easy and effective. Answering the following questions will help us better understand your perspective and provide the resources you need. Thank you.

Please reach out to Eric Negomir with any further questions or comments.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information (Optional)

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Advocating on legislative long-term care issues is worth my time.
I regularly read WHCA's advocacy newsletters (Capitol Update, Advocacy Exchange) and action alerts.
I regularly perform suggested advocacy actions from WHCA newsletters and action alerts.
My company leaders regularly encourage participation in WHCA's advocacy efforts.
My building-level staff regularly participate in WHCA's advocacy efforts.
I utilize WHCA's advocacy resources (talking points, flyers, facility tour toolkit, WHCA staff, etc.).
I am knowledgeable about legislative issues that affect my facility or company.
I am generally knowledgeable about the Washington State legislative process.
I want to do more to shape the future of long-term care as an advocate.

Question Title

* 3. Please suggest ways we can make engaging in advocacy easier and more effective for you. These might be in-person or virtual educational opportunities, communication improvements, new or tweaked tools and resources, or whatever else comes to mind.