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The Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina is creating its 2024 - 2029 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) and developing a Tribal Economic Diversification Plan. The Tribe is gathering Tribal Citizen input to be included in the goals and impact decision-making about future economic development in the Community.

Please submit all responses before the survey closes on Monday, Oct. 23rd at 11:59 PM.

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* 1. Your participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous: Your responses will only be collected by a 3rd party and will not be shared individually with Tribal Leadership. Please kindly fill out your name and email to ensure no survey duplication and to send you a copy of the final CEDS report once it is available.

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* 2. Are you a Lumbee Tribal Citizen?

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* 3. Where do you live?

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* 4. How old are you

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* 5. Choose the economic development priorities you believe the Tribe should focus on over the next five (5) years. (Please select your Top 3)

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* 6. How would you define “success” for the Tribes’ economic development? (Please select your Top 3.)

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* 7. Please rank the following Economic Development value criteria in order of importance to you. (6 most important - 1 least important):

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* 8. How would you rate the current job opportunities in our community?

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* 9. What types of industries do you believe should be a priority for economic development in our community? (Select up to 3)

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* 10. How important is small business support in our community's economic development?

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* 11. Considering factors like amenities, public services, and cultural offerings, How do you perceive our community's overall quality of life?

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* 12. Are there any cultural or social factors that impact the success of specific economic development initiatives?

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* 13. Which industry clusters should the Tribe expand or focus on for potential Tribal business enterprises? (Choose Top 3)

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* 14. Below are drafts of the Lumbee economic vision and mission statements. How strongly do your views align with the draft vision and mission statement, and do you have any suggestions for changes?

  Do not align Somewhat align Align Strongly Align
Draft Vision: The Lumbee Tribe provides for the well-being of its Tribal citizens, creating an economic ecosystem that nourishes body, mind, and cultural connection.
Draft Mission: To develop a diversified, sustainable, and culturally informed Tribal economy with quality jobs for Tribal Members, thriving conditions for small businesses and entrepreneurs, and financial security for the Tribe.

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* 15. How satisfied are you with the following community and economic factors? Please indicate below.

  Not Important to me Not Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied
Availability/cost of broadband
Availability/cost of energy and utility
Availability/cost of healthcare
Availability/cost of housing
Availability of living-wage jobs
Cost of living
Services for the elderly
Emergency preparedness
Transportation infrastructure
Higher and continuing education
Retention of young talent
Skills and abilities of workforce
Cultural activities
Outdoor recreation
Dining and entertainment
Attractions/visitor destinations
Tribal small business support
Access to start-up capital
Ease of doing business
Availability/cost of commercial real estate to lease/buy

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* 16. How well does the Tribe and the surrounding area meet your expectations in wage and employment?  Please indicate below.

  Not important to me Not satisfied Somewhat satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied
Career advancement opportunities
Education and training opportunities
Employment in trades professions
Employment in non-trades professions
Employment options for young adults

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* 17. What economic development activities do the Tribe and the surrounding community most need over the next five (5) years? (Choose Top 3)

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* 18. What do you believe are Lumbee’s most significant strengths? (Choose all that apply)

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* 19. Please provide any additional comments regarding Economic Development for the Lumbee Tribe.

0 of 19 answered