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* 1. Overall, how safe from gun violence are the students in our Frankston schools?

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* 2. Do you favor our Board of Trustees enacting policy that would allow designated, trained teachers or other school or district personnel to be armed while at school?

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* 3. Would you feel safer or less safe if designated, trained teachers or other school or district personnel could carry guns to Frankston schools?

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* 4. Would teachers or other school or district personnel carrying guns to your school mostly help or mostly harm the overall learning environment at your school?

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* 5. If designated personnel, including some trained teachers were to carry guns at your school, how effective do you think that would be in limiting the number of victims if a school shooting were to occur?

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* 6. If certain teachers and staff members were armed with guns, do you think our schools in general would be:

Support for Alternative School Security Measures
Below are some potential school safety and security proposals that may be enacted as
components of a plan that could serve as an alternative to arming school and district
personnel. Please indicate if you feel favorable, neutral, or unfavorable for each, as an
alternative measure.

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* 7. Mandating at least two armed police officers be present in every school at all times.

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* 8. Allowing trained, designated staff on campus to carry tasers instead of firearms.

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* 9. Adding increased security measures in schools similar to that of airports.

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* 10. Increasing the level of training for all personnel and our School Resource Officer on how to respond to active shootings and for emergency situations.

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* 11. Increasing the level of support for mental health of students and families.

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* 12. Installing more security checkpoints and security systems for allowing people into our schools.

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* 13. Instituting new programs to identify, assess and manage certain students who may pose a threat to school safety and security.

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* 14. Which best describes you?