The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Experience: Ethics-Based Issues and Cases was published in April 2015 and, with the launch of the revised Code of Ethics (2020) and Standards of Practice (2021), it’s time for a refresh. CCPA is working with the editorial team of Drs. Michael Sorsdahl, William Borgen, and Roberta Borgen to co-ordinate the revision.
The “casebook” revision seeks to provide a comprehensive, yet concise ethical resource grounded in the Canadian ethical landscape for counsellors and psychotherapists across their professional journey from student to experienced practitioner, supervisor, educator, and beyond. Building from the foundations of ethical practice (e.g., theoretical, philosophical, and contextual), the casebook will explore how our professional histories have shaped modern conceptions of ethical principles and ethical decision making, as well as future directions and possibilities. Rooted in the current ethical realities and challenges of today’s counsellors/psychotherapists, practical cases will be explored through multiple lenses. Readers will leave with a deepened appreciation and understanding of the complexity of addressing ethical dilemmas and navigating ethical issues within the complex systems in which counsellors work.
Thank you for your interest in providing your insights into the ethics casebook revision project. Your responses will remain confidential.

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* 1. Have you read the existing Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Experience: Ethics-Based Issues and Cases (Martin, Shepard, & Lehr, 2016) publication?

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* 2. What ethical challenges have you previously or currently grappled with?

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* 3. What ethical mistakes do you worry about making?

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* 4. Out of the following ethical areas from the CCPA code, which do you feel least equipped to handle? Select all that apply.

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* 5. Think back to your ethic coursework; what do you wished you learn more about?

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* 6. At this point in your development as a counsellor, what ethical issues would it be helpful to address?

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* 7. Beyond the specific ethical principles and challenges, the editorial team would like to ensure the revision is a readable, useful, and accessible resource counsellors/psychotherapists can come back to again and again. Let us know what you would find helpful and unhelpful.