Question Title

* 1. Which event did you participate in? (Optional)

Question Title

* 2. Overall, how would you rate your experience with BoothCentral?

Question Title

* 3. How strongly do you agree with the following statement?

"I was provided with the information needed to make the decision about participating in this event."

Question Title

* 4. How would you rate your comfort level with technology?

Question Title

* 5. Please answer the following questions according to the scale below.

  Very Difficult Difficult Neither Easy or Difficult Easy Very Easy N/A
How would you rate the process of applying for this event?
If you made an edit to your virtual booth, how would you rate the process of editing your booth?

Question Title

* 6. How would you describe your experience using live video chat?

Question Title

* 7. How many people entered your video chat?

Question Title

* 8. Please answer the following questions according to the scale below.

  Very Unsatisfied Unsatisfied Neither Satisfied or Unsatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied N/A
How satisfied were you with the resources provided by BoothCentral to make your event successful?
How satisfied were you with BoothCentral's customer support leading up to your event?
How satisfied were you with BoothCentral's customer support during your event?

Question Title

* 9. Please rate the overall success of your virtual event.

Question Title

* 10. Please answer the following questions with the provided scale.

  Very Unlikely Unlikely Neither Likely or Unlikely Likely Very Likely
What is the likelihood that you will apply for a future Virtual Event with BoothCentral?
Do you see yourself continuing to participate in virtual events post COVID?

Question Title

* 11. How disappointed would you be if you could no longer use BoothCentral?

Question Title

* 12. What type of people do you think would most benefit from BoothCentral?

Question Title

* 13. What is the main benefit you receive from BoothCentral?

Question Title

* 14. How could we improve BoothCentral for you?