EFA - Emotional First Aid

This training is designed to give people the knowledge, skills, and awareness to look after themselves emotionally. Helping people to recognise that, just by being human, and having lived a life, they already have so many skills and considerable knowledge. With us then adding some more resources to guide them as they navigate life. Our training therefore contributes to creating cultures that are emotionally safe and intelligent, productive, and resilient.
Your Voice Matters:
Please answer the following questions and help shape Emotional First Aid

Question Title

* 1. Name

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* 2. Company

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* 3. Job title

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* 5. Phone

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* 6. Do you consent to being contacted at the email address or phone number provided?

Question Title

* 7. Do you feel that you have the skills to help yourself when you feel stressed or overwhelmed?

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* 8. Have you experienced work stress and times where it would have been helpful having some skills to help yourself?

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* 9. In your opinion, how important is emotional awareness and intelligence in enhancing team work and productivity?

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* 10. Does your employer provide training and/or support for staff emotional wellbeing?

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* 11. Would you be interested in helping your workplace to create a culture that gives everyone the knowledge, skills and awareness in looking after their own emotional wellbeing?

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* 12. Please tell us more about what you need. (Optional)