Ian King

Question Title

* 1. The session met the stated learning objectives

  1 Learning objective not met 2 3 Learning objective partially met 4 5 Learning objective met
Learning Objective 1:To provide a brief background on the endocannabinoid system, as well as cannabis, and its main constituent cannabinoid molecules, THC and CBD
Learning Objective 2:Present and critique a few key current studies which examine the effects of administering THC/CBD in differing compositional ratios on human subjects
Learning Objective 3:Discuss the current recommendations guiding the formation of the Cannabis Act in Canada and discuss potential implications of the currently available evidence.

Question Title

* 2. On a scale from 1 (not at all relevant) to 5 (extremely relevant), please rate how relevant this presentation is to you. By relevance, we mean how appropriate the topic and effective the speaker is for you.

Question Title

* 3. On a scale from 1 (no opportunity) to 5 (outstanding opportunity for discussion and interaction), please rate how interactive this presentation was for you.  By interaction we mean discussion, questions and engagement with the presenter and the topic.

Question Title

* 4. Please provide us with any additional comments or observations you would like us to be aware of.