User feedback

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your professional background.

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* 3. What proportion of the resource did you complete on this occasion?

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* 4. How appropriate was the level of detail of content in the eLearning resource?

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* 5. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements after completing the eLearning resource

  Completely disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Completely agree
I understand the the behaviours which constitute bullying, harassment and intimidation and how to define them
I am aware of ways to recognise my responses to these behaviours and understand the influence of culture and external factors on my response
I am aware of the effect these behaviours can have on education and training as well as patient care
I am aware of ways of addressing and reducing these behaviours, promoting constructive working relationships
I know how to access guidance/support or escalate concerns/issues if necessary
I know how to develop individual and personalised SMART objectives. relating to this topic

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* 6. What was the best thing about the eLearning resource?

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* 7. And what was the worst thing about it?

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* 8. How do you rate the overall quality of this resource? Please use a scale from 1 to 7 where 1= Very Poor Quality and 7 = Excellent Quality.

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* 9. And to what extent would you recommend this eLearning resource to other colleagues?

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* 10. Finally, do you have any other comments or suggestions about this resource?