Assessment Survey

Your responses will be used to shape the PD for next year. Most of the questions focus on assessment which will be part of next year's Initiative,. Many of the questions are derived from NEASC's standards. 
NOTE: The results are completely anonymous; IP addresses are not tracked.  SurveyMonkey software allows the survey creator to turn Anonymous Responses on and to choose not to track IP addresses. Both have been done.

Question Title

* 1. The first group of questions are about your practice. Your responses rank the level of  proirity you think the item merits for using departmental time.

  First level priority; we need to spend PD time on this area  Second level priority, we may need to spend PD time, but not immediately Third level priority, we can delay work on this area Fourth level priority, we don't need to work on this; we are proficient in this area N/A Either this doesn't apply to you or you don't have enough informaton t answer
I have a formal process to assess student progress that uses rubrics and consistently high expectations
I communicate student progress clearly to students and families
I regularly collect, disaggregate, and analyze data to address inequities in student achievement with my colleagues
I provide rubrics to students before all summative assessments 
I regularly collaborate in formal ways to create, analyze, and revise common assessments
I provide specific, timely, and corrective feedback to studentsts to ensure that students revise and improve their work
I regularly provide opportunities for students to revise and imporve their work after receiving feedback
I use a variety of assessment strategies including formative and summative assessment

I set learning goals for myself and assess my progress 
I make sure my classes engage all students
I regularly use formative assessment to inform and adapth students' instruction to improve student learning

Question Title

* 2. The following questions apply to the school or schools in general.  Your answers will again priotitize their importance as you see it.

  First level priority, we need to spend PD/dpartmental time on this area first Second level priority, we need to spend PD/dpartmental time on this area, but not immediately First level priority, this area can be delayed First level priority, we don't need to spend time on this; we are already proficiant in this area N/A Either this doesn't apply or you don't have sufficient information to answer
The progress of the two schools is clearly communicated to the community
The schools have a formal process to collaborate regularly to examine student work, to set student goals, and to make curriculum, instructiona, and/or assessment changes
The schools have a formal process to collaborate regularly to examine common course and and common grade-level assessments to set student goals, and to make curridulum, instruction, and/or assessment changes
The schools have a formal process to collaborate regularly to examine achievement of school expectations, to set student goals, and to make curriculum, instruction, and/or assessment changes.
The schools have a formal process to collaborate regularly to examine data from sending and receiving schools and post-secondary institutions to set student goals and to make curricululm, instruction and/or assessment changes
The schools have a formal process to collaborate regularly to examine surveys from current students and alumni to set student goals and to make curriculum, instruction, and/or adssessmetn changes
Grading and reporting practices and policies are regularly reviewed in both schools so that they will align with school core values and beliefs about learning

Question Title

* 3. The following questions  relate to the student survey. Your responses ask you to indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the statemenst

  Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree N/A I don't have enough information to answer
Students should be allowed to revise their work to support student growth
Students should set goals to support student accountability
Students rarely use the feedback that I provide.  They look at the grade and stop there.
In major projects, I give students choices about how to demonstrate their knowledge and learning
"Real life" activities and simulations make classess more engaging
I see my responsibility in teaching as getting as many students to mastery as I can
Students should be allowed to re-take exams when they have proven that they have worked to learn the material, for example, by working with me during flexblock. 
The key to student engagement is challenging students
The key to student engagement is getting the students to view the work as worthwhile
Our grading policies need to be revisited 
Standardized testing provides me with much usable information about my teaching and my students' learning