Art of Birding 2020 Photo Challenge Survey

I bet you have some good suggestions for how to improve and expand the Art of Birding Wildlife & Nature photography challenge in 2021!
I would love to include some fresh ideas and to get a sense of what you get out of the challenge.
Thanks for taking the time :)

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* 1. I find out about the challenge each week from

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* 2. My favourite challenge so far is...

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* 3. The challenge I've struggled with the most is...

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* 4. If I miss a challenge...

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* 5. I feel my photography has improved ______________?

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* 6. I use my challenge photos for wildlife advocacy

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* 7. I struggle most with

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* 8. I find it rewarding to

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* 9. In doing the challenges, I was inspired to

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* 10. I'd like to suggest these ideas for next year's challenge...