Dear Electrical Contractor,
ELECTRI International is partnering with Hala Nassereddine on an ELECTRI research project focused on Setting Up the Project for Success with Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

This proposed research project aims to define, assemble, deploy, and evaluate SOPs to provide electrical contractors with the foundation to standardize some of their processes and build consistency across their projects.

The Task Force for this project has identified four activities for which SOPs are needed:
·       Changes to the scope and resulting additional work tickets
·       Daily logs
·       Lookahead schedules
·       Procurement process
To help the research team determine current industry practices, we invite electrical contractors to share with us, using this survey, any standards, templates, or procedures they may have for any of the four activities.

The shared data will only be used to inform the final deliverables of this project.

Questions? Please contact Hala Nassereddine at hala.m.nassereddine@gmail.com

Thank you in advance for your time and effort! 
Please share/upload any examples, standards, templates, or technologies your company uses to handle changes to the scope and resulting T&M tickets. Click HERE to Upload

Additional comments:
Are there instances where the standard procedure is not followed?
Please elaborate.
Please share/upload any examples, standards, templates, or technologies your company uses for daily logs. Click HERE to Upload

Additional comments:
Are there instances where the standard procedure is not followed?
Please elaborate.
Please share/upload any examples, standards, templates, or technologies your company uses for lookahead schedules. Click HERE to Upload

Additional comments:
Are there instances where the standard procedure is not followed?
Please elaborate.
Please share/upload any examples, standards, templates, or technologies your company uses to handle procurement and procurement centralization. Click HERE to Upload

Additional comments:
Are there instances where the standard procedure is not followed?
Please elaborate.
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