Please fill in the required information and submit to AIA Florida by 11:59 p.m.EST Friday, November 16. The 2019 JLI program class will be selected by the JLI review committee and chosen applicants will be notified by Friday, December 21. Training sessions will begin in February 2019, with graduation at the 2019 AIA Florida Annual Convention in July 2019.  The JLI program is for AIA Members and they may apply themselves or be nominated by their firm or local Component.

For an overview of the JLI program and expected time commitment, click HERE.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Other Credentials (LEED AP, etc.)

Question Title

* 3. AIA Member Number

Question Title

* 4. Firm Name

Question Title

* 6. Email Address

Question Title

* 8. From what architecture degree program are you a graduate?

Question Title

* 9. What year did you graduate from an architecture degree program?

Question Title

* 10. How many years of professional experience do you have?

Question Title

* 11. How many years has it been since your first architectural license?

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* 12. Letter of Interest - Candidates must submit a one-page written letter of interest describing your past experiences and interest in the JLI Leadership program, as well as what you feel you will contribute to the 2019 class.

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Question Title

* 13. Letters of Recommendation - Each applicant must include a minimum of one and maximum of three, letter(s) of recommendation. It is in the best interest of the applicant to provide only strong letters of support/recommendation.

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* 14. Additional letter of Recommendation (if applicable)

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* 15. Additional letter of Recommendation (if applicable)

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Question Title

* 16. Personal Resume - Including applicant's education, employment history, organizations or activity involvement and honors and awards. Resumes are preferred to be no more than two pages and uploaded in PDF format. It is NOT in the best interest of the applicant to simply submit a one page firm resume with project experience. Instead, include relevant topics such as education, community involvement, industry involvement, volunteer work, etc.

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Question Title

* 17. Commitment Letter - To be completed and signed by the applicant and sponsor (Individual/Firm/Component) and uploaded in PDF format. To download a copy of the commitment letter, click HERE.

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Applications are due no later than Monday, December 31, 2018 by 11:59 pm eastern. Applications should be completed using this survey.  Chosen applicants will be notified no later than Tuesday, January 15, 2019.