Please answer honestly. Thank you!

Question Title

* 2. This is my homeroom class.

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* 3. Choose the most appropriate response for each item.

1. My teacher is passionate about the subject she teaches.
2. My teacher is prepared for class and makes effective use of class time.
3. My teacher uses a variety of teaching strategies to help me to learn the material.
4. My teacher gives me timely feedback to help motivate me, so I can improve.
5. My teacher creates a safe and comfortable environment for me to learn.
6. My teacher treats me respectfully.
7. My teacher does a good job of keeping others from distracting my learning.
8. My teacher is positive toward the school and school activities.
9. My teacher takes time to know me as an individual.
10. My teacher encourages me to understand and develop my God-given gifts & talents in this class.
11. My teacher has high expectations for me and helps me set high goals for myself.
12. My teacher demonstrates a concern for my spiritual well-being.
13. My teacher uses technology(i.e., online journals, e-textbooks, DyKnow, Moodle, and OneNote) effectively to help me learn.
14. I understand what I have to do to be successful in this class.
15. I have opportunities to participate in this class.
16. My grades fairly reflect what I have learned in this class.
17. The homework assignments help me learn the content for this class.
18. I understand my strengths and weaknesses in this class and have a plan to improve my learning.
19. The expectations for behavior in this class are clear and the discipline plan is applied consistently.
20. I feel I can approach the teacher outside of the class for help.
21. I put forth my best effort in this class.

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* 4. On a typical night, I spend _____ on homework for this class.

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* 5. My grade is closest to:

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* 6. One aspect of this class that has helped me learn best is . . .

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* 7. My one suggestion to help me be a better learner would be . . .