This survey is intended to gauge the level of interest and adoption in current and prospective SIG-Multicluster tools and projects.  Your answer here will help SIG-Multicluster determine future plans and decide on deprecation schedules. Your identifying information will be shared only with the SIG-Multicluster chairs, the survey administrators at the CNCF, and the survey assistant (Josh Berkus).  Other answers will be shared in anonymized, aggregate form in SIG meetings. You may ask for your data to be deleted at any time by contacting the SIG-Multicluster chairs.

If you are a consultant or service provider, you are welcome to answer questions based on the customer who is most interested in Multicluster.  You are also welcome to fill out the survey more than once if you have multiple different customer viewpoints.

Question Title

* 1. Your Name

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* 2. Your Email

Question Title

* 3. Organization Name

Question Title

* 4. Organization Type Please select the type of organization that most closely matches what yours does, or (for large organizations) what the part of the organization that you work in does.

Question Title

* 5. What is your organization's current level of experience with Kubernetes?

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* 6. Are you filling this out on your own organization's behalf, or for a customer or aggregated customers?

Question Title

* 7. Approximately how many Kubernetes clusters are currently running in your organization, in your department, or at your largest customers? (Number)

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* 8. Approximately how many additional clusters do you or they plan, or aspire to, deploy in the next year?

Question Title

* 9. Which of the below represent reasons you have for running multiple clusters, and wanting Multicluster functionality?  Select all the reasons that apply.

Question Title

* 10. Please describe why you want to run, or already run, multiple Kubernetes clusters.

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* 11. What are the biggest problems you're facing when trying to manage or use multiple clusters?

Question Title

* 12. How involved are you in SIG-Multicluster?

Question Title

* 13. How interested are you in Cluster Registry?

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* 14. Why are you interested, or not interested, in Cluster Registry?

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* 15. How interested are you in KubeFed/Cluster Federation/Ubernetes?

Question Title

* 16. Why are you interested, or not interested, in KubeFed?

Question Title

* 17. Are you involved (developer, user, sponsor) in some project or tool for federating, uniting, or managing multiple Kubernetes clusters, that isn't connected to SIG-Multicluster? If so, please list any such projects and tools here:

Question Title

* 18. If your multi-cluster project does not collaborate with SIG-Multicluster, please tell us why (check all reasons that apply)

Question Title

* 19. Do you have additional comments?

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* 20. May we contact you about your answers above?

Question Title

* 21. Would you, or a member of your team, be willing to talk about your use-case at a meeting of SIG-Multicluster or other community event?  If so, please add your/their email here:

Thank you for filling out the SIG-Multicluster Survey.  We invite you to attend SIG-Multicluster and KubeFed meetings, or to join our mailing list and participate further in the work of the SIG.  Aggregated results of this survey will be shared in the SIG meetings, as well as the SIG-Multicluster sessions at KubeCon San Diego.