Welcome to the Youth Survey

Please read through the following before commencing the survey.

  • This survey will take about 10 - 20 minutes to complete.
  • It is an anonymous study so do not write name/s in any responses.
  • Please be honest in your answers and provide as much detail as possible.
  • At the end you will be redirected to submit your entry for the raffle prize!
The survey is made up of 8 sections covering a range of topics for young adults including;
  1. General Demographics
  2. Education and Employment
  3. Community Activity and Engagement
  4. Social Media and Connection
  5. Transport and Accommodation
  6. Young Adults in Community
  7. Mental Health
  8. Alcohol and Other Drugs
Talking about mental health or substance use has the potential to bring up emotions and questions. If you are experiencing any negative feeling or would like to talk to someone, a series of mental health services have been provided at the end of the survey. Furthermore, the following services are available online and remotely to provide confidential support.

Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyondblue: 1300 224 636
Headspace: 1800 650 890
Mind Spot: 1800 61 44 34
This survey is guided by the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.
If have any queries or concerns, or would like more information, please feel free to contact the Youth Development Officer at the Shire of Manjimup at: youth@manjimup.wa.gov.au
By continuing with this survey, you confirm that you;
  • Are aged between 18 and 24 years.
  • Currently live within the Shire of Manjimup.
  • Are aware of the topics of this study.
  • Have the contact details of support services if required (above).
  • Understand all information I provide will remain confidential.
  • Understand that your responses will be securely stored anonymously by the Shire of Manjimup.
  • Understand the survey includes topics on mental health and illegal substance use.
  • Understand I can withdraw from this survey at any point without explanation.
  • Are participating voluntarily.