PHIA Survey

Each day, the patients, residents and families we serve count on the WRHA to effectively collect, use and secure their Personal Health Information (PHI). Every five years, the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA), which sets our the rules for handling that information, is reviewed. The process provides us with an opportunity to comment on how the legislation informs and impacts our work.

This survey is designed to gather input from staff and stakeholders throughout the Region. Your experience in putting the legislation into practice offers an important perspective, valuable in ensuring the legislation responds effectively to real world circumstances.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey, giving special consideration to how PHIA influences your work. Your input will help ensure that personal health information is gathered, disclosed and secured in a manner consistent with the legislation's intent.

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* 2. Please enter WRHA site or program area (if applicable)


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* 3. In your experience, how well does PHIA protect the PHI of Manitobans?

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* 4. Are there specific areas of PHIA that you note in the course of your daily activities that could be strengthened in terms of protecting privacy?

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* 5. If yes, please specify


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* 6. PHIA was enacted in 1997. In your experience, how well has PHIA kept up with the changes in how we collect, use and disclose PHI in the provision of health care services?

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* 7. Are there specific circumstances that you run into in the course of your activities involving electronic health records that are not addressed in PHIA?

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* 8. If yes, please specify


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* 9. In your experience, how well does PHIA provide clear guidance on appropriate collection use and disclosure of PHI in all facets of your work and/or interaction with the WRHA?

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* 10. Are there specific areas of PHIA that you note in the course of your activities that could be strengthened in terms of clarity of what activity involving PHI is and is not permissible under PHIA?

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* 11. If yes, please specify


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* 12. In your experience how well does PHIA facilitate appropriate sharing of information involving PHI?

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* 13. Are there portions of your work/activity with the WRHA where appropriate information sharing is impeded  by PHIA requirements?

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* 14. If yes, please specify


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* 15. If there is something that you think would be helpful for the WRHA to consider in compiling our recommendations for changes to PHIA that was not adequately captured by this survey, please describe in the space provided below:

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* 16. May we contact you to seek additional information on any of your responses?

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* 17. If yes, please ensure that you have entered your contact information below.