Copy of Copy of Trapped with Jester Survey (Batch 6)

1.Of all the endings, which one was your favorite?
2.What was your favorite part/s of the game?
3.If a full game releases, how long do you want it to be?
4.Would you be ok with QTE? (Quick Time Events aka timed choices)
5.Would you want to see other love interests?
6.Are you ok with the game being lighthearted? (Comedic in tone, cute and fluffy, hijinks with silly demon (comedic killings of your enemies), but still has some bleak and horror moments)
7.Do you want to see a character creation feature or would you rather have set character designs (like Royal Alchemist)? Note: Character creation might limit CGs- or even not have CGs with the MC at all
8.Would you be ok with depiction of torture or execution? (Think executions in Danganronpa, but not as over the top) 
9.What do you want to see more of?
10.Would you be willing to pay for a full game sequel? (If it would be like, $5-$10)