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Question Title

* 1. What category best describes the type of organization in which you work?

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* 2. What best describes your captive and / or outsourced services delivery footprint? [choose best answer option]

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* 3. Where are you personally located?

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* 4. How long do you believe your delivery operations will be impacted by COVID-19 before you return to some semblance of "pre-virus" operations? [choose best answer option]

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* 5. What is currently limiting your ability to deliver shared services? [choose top 3 options]

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* 6. *Compared to your service capacity levels before the COVID-19 outbreak, how much of your service capacity has been lost at this stage? [choose best answer option]

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* 7. *How would you gauge the impact of the virus thus far on productivity? [choose best answer option]

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* 8. *Which of the following is your most significant business impact as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak? [choose best answer option]

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* 9. *What are your major BCP challenges? (please choose top 3 options)

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* 10. Which of the processes listed below have been most affected by the crisis?

  no change higher volume lower volume n/a
IT Application Maintenance / Development
IT / Network Infrastructure Support
Customer Service 
Supply Chain 
Industry-specific processes (e.g. claims processing)
Real Estate

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* 11. In order to maintain service levels, are you considering implementing any of the following right now? [choose up to 3 answer options]

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* 12. In terms of maintaining / transforming your SSO / GBS performance through automation technology, do you have the budget you need to spend right now?

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* 13. How might your talent sourcing strategy evolve in the post COVID-19 environment? [choose best answer option]

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* 14. How do you expect your location strategy to evolve as a result of COVID-19? [choose best answer option]

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* 15. How are you managing continuous improvement (CI) / process excellence while most staff are WFH? (choose best answer option)

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* 16. If you work with a BPO, how have they performed thus far? [choose best answer option]

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* 17. What are you doing today to adapt your service delivery model to the current business environment? [choose top 3 options]

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* 18. *What impact do you believe COVID-19 will have on your company’s future global service delivery operations? [choose best answer option]

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* 19. What impact will COVID-19 have on GBS/SSO's value proposition? [choose up to 3 answer options]

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* 20. What is the major focus of any planning for “reentry?” [Please check the statement that most closely applies]

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* 21. Would you be interested in a demo of SSON Analytics on comparative location data including talent availability, #of SSCs/BPOs, cost of center operations and salary data, along with benchmarking and our global health index?

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