As we plan for the 2024 Regional Meetings, we seek your valuable feedback as to how we’ll conduct regional business and how best we’ll optimize your Regional Meeting experience. 

Therefore, please take a few moments to share your thoughts on what will work best for you when we schedule the regional meetings.

Do you prefer the virtual option?
Is there more value in the Statewide Regional meeting or the individual regional meeting?
Are there speakers you want to hear from?
Which topics make the most sense for a regional meeting?

Thanks in advance for sharing your valuable feedback with us!

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* 1. Please indicate your NY Alliance region. If you are unsure of your region, click here to view the counties included in each region.

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* 2. Shall we host the 2024 Regional Meetings using virtual only option, a hybrid (in-person with remote/virtual capability) option or in-person?

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* 3. Do you prefer a virtual Statewide Regional Meeting, individual regional meeting (the region meets by itself), both options or perhaps you don’t have a preference or another idea for bringing members together.

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* 4. Using the Statewide Regional Meeting structure, would you prefer the breakout sessions to be regional or topic specific?

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* 5. Please tell us one thing that works well with the Statewide Regional Meeting structure and one thing that needs improvement with the Statewide Regional Meeting structure.

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* 6. Please share topics that should be covered at future Regional Meetings.

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* 7. Is there a speaker or speakers you want us to invite to a Regional Meeting?

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* 8. Please share your thoughts on NY Alliance's Regional Meetings as a whole so we can make sure we're using your time wisely.