PTA Fundraiser Survey

Hello! With Amy Bamford and myself (Janina Patterson) as new C0-VPs in charge of fundraising, we want to hear from you!

What fundraisers did you love? Which were the most fun? What could you do without? Do you have any ideas for great fundraisers you'd like to share? Maybe events at other schools or things Maplewood has done in the past! We want to hear it all!

Please reach out to either of us (or any of the other board members) if you have any questions or are interested in joining the PTA.  Thank you!

And don't forget to check out our website!
1.Do you prefer dine outs at restaurants (dine in or take out) or food trucks at the school?
2.How often do you want a dine out/food truck?
3.Any other fundraiser ideas you'd like to share?
4.Were you aware that you can donate directly to the PTA vs. participating in fundraisers?
5.Which do you prefer?
6.Anything else you'd like us to know?