Brief Survey

We appreciate it if you can provide us with information about your experience so that we can report to our funder, National Science Foundation.

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* 1. What were your expectations for today's workshop- what did you hope to accomplish?

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* 2. Were your expectations met?

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* 3. Prior to today's workshop, how familiar were you with the content and concepts presented?

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* 4. After today's workshop, how much has your comfort  with the content and concepts presented increased?

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* 5. What were the most useful aspects of this workshop?

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* 6. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly diagree
The openMP course modules are a good fit with my curriculum.
The openMP course modules are a good fit with my equipment.
I believe that the patternlets material will work well with my students.
I believe that the exemplars material will work well with my students.
I have all the information I need to use these materials.
I think that the OpenMP course modules have great potential for teaching parallel and distributed computing.

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* 7. Based on your participation today, how likely are you to use the patternlets in your classes?

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* 8. Based on your participation today, how likely are you to use the exemplars in your classes?

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* 9. If you wish, please tell us what courses you anticipate being able to use any of the modules in.

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* 10. If you need more resources to implement any of the modules presented, what are they?

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* 11. What, if anything, would have made this workshop more informative for you?