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Sea Otter Recovery Survey: Potential Reintroduction

Please answer the following survey questions and share your comments on the potential for sea otter reintroduction. (Please note: The We Were Here program of Sea Otter Savvy provides education and is collecting information–we will not be able to directly respond to your comments, but know that they will be reviewed and offered to those discussing sea otter recovery.)

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* 1. Where do you live?

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* 2. Which community or stakeholder group do you most identify with?

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* 3. How do you depend on Pacific coastal resources? (Check all that apply)

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* 4. How familiar are you with the ecological role of sea otters in Pacific biological communities?

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* 5. After visiting the We Were Here sea otter website, did you learn anything new about the ecological role of sea otters in Pacific biological communities?

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* 6. Sea Otters have been absent from large areas of the Pacific coast since the fur trade of the 1800s. What is your initial reaction to the idea of bringing back sea otters to areas within their historical range?

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* 7. Do you support the discussion of sea otter reintroduction to historical habitats?

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* 8. Do you have concerns about sea otter reintroduction to historical habitats?

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* 9. What do you feel is the best way to balance the costs and benefits of sea otter reintroduction to ocean users and society at large? 

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* 10. Please use the text box below to share any other specific concerns, support, or questions you may have.

(Please consider: Are there any particular conditions you would want to see around sea otter reintroduction? What is the best way for you to receive information? What could the We Were Here sea otter program do better? )

Thank you - your voice and opinions matter!

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* 11. Would you like to be involved in any further discussion of potential sea otter reintroduction?
If so please include your email contact below.

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