
Assume that you are evaluating a manager for investment. Assume that the manager invests in an asset class you wish to gain exposure to. Assume that they meet your requirements such as service providers (prime broker, accountant, legal), that they have the requisite amount of staff (CFO, compliance, number of analysts), that they have sufficient assets under management and have fees and liquidity provisions which are acceptable to you. 

Assuming that all of those criteria are acceptable, and holding all else equal, we are curious as to the importance you put on different personality traits and other attributes when selecting a manager. In each section, you will be asked how important you feel different attributes are and then asked to force rank your top 2 to 3 attributes in each category.

We thank you again for your participation.

Question Title

1. Please indicate the importance of each of the following PHYSICAL characteristics on your manager selection process:

  Extremely Important Somewhat Important Neutral Somewhat Unimportant Not At All Important
well groomed
well dressed
physically fit
strong voice
strong handshake
full head of hair
good eye contact
attractive facial features

Question Title

4. Please indicate the importance of each of the following EXPERIENCE / PEDIGREE attributes on your manager selection process:

  Extremely Important Somewhat Important Neutral Somewhat Unimportant Not At All Important
Has an MBA degree
Attended an elite graduate school
Has a strong network
Has a long tenure at previous institutions
Has previously worked at prestigious institutions
Attended an elite undergraduate institution
Has another professional degree (MD, CPA, CFA, JD, PhD, Masters)
Has high GMAT / SAT / GRE / GPA scores

Question Title

7. Please indicate the importance of the following COGNITIVE characteristics in your manager selection process:

  Extremely Important Somewhat Important Neutral Somewhat Unimportant Not At All Important
High level of intelligence
Abstract reasoning ability
Ability to think independently
Has a broad knowledge base
Clarity of thought
Rational thinking ability
Possesses a specific area of specialization
Intuitive thinking ability
Is a flexible thinker
Ability to think outside the box

Question Title

11. Please indicate the importance of the following SOCIAL / PERSONALITY traits:

  Extremely Important Somewhat Important Neutral Somewhat Unimportant Not At All Important
ability to communicate / communication skills
hard working / strong work ethic
intellectual curiosity
goal oriented / focused
likability (do I like them?)
sense of humor
motivation / drive
involvement / engagement
gregarious / personable / charismatic
leadership ability
emotional awareness / emotional IQ
risk tolerance
quirky / eccentric
passion / enthusiasm
diligence / tenacity
confidence / self esteem / conviction
trust / honesty / integrity / ethical

Question Title

15. Please rank order the following groups of characteristics when selecting a manager.

  Most Important Second most important Third most important Least important
Physical Characteristics
Cognitive Attributes
Social / Personality Traits
Experience / Pedigree

Question Title

16. Please indicate your organization type

Question Title

17. Please indicate your total portfolio size:

Question Title

18. Please indicate your title.

Question Title

19. Please indicate your areas of coverage (please check all that apply).

Question Title

20. I would be willing to participate in additional surveys of this type

Question Title

21. I would like you to email me the results when compiled.

Question Title

22. If you answered "yes" to either question 20 or 21, please provide your contact information.