We Want to Hear from You!

As we move to the "new normal", we want to know what that might look like for your business and how the County may help.

Westchester County Executive George Latimer knows that businesses of all types, in all sections of  this county have been affected by the pandemic. Loss of revenue, increased expenses, changes in consumer behavior, a remote work force, etc. have had immediate impact and may represent a long term shift. Please take a couple of minutes to complete this survey so we can better understand your needs.

Question Title

* 1. Business Name

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* 2. Location of Business - Village/Town/City

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* 3. What category would you use to describe your business

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* 4. What is the size of your business

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* 5. Have some employees been working remotely during COVID

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* 6. What % of employees worked remotely this past year

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* 7. What % of employees will be able/choose to continue to work remotely

Question Title

* 8. When do you anticipate being back to full staff on site

Question Title

* 9. Have you "pivoted" your business this year? If so how?

Question Title

* 10. Have your office or space needs changed due to COVID

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* 11. If so, please let us know how

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* 12. Please let us know which of these areas are or will be most challenging to your business and select all that apply

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* 13. The Office of Economic Development is always striving to help local businesses, so please let us know which topics would be of interest/helpful to you

  Not Very Important Interesting I Need This
Workforce Development
Website/Social Media
Managing a Remote Workforce
MWBE Registration/Certification
Access to Capital

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* 14. Will you require employees to be vaccinated to return to work

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* 15. Did you apply for and/or get a Westchester County Business FIRST Grant

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* 16. In what ways has the pandemic affected your business, please check all that apply

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* 17. Are you a member of a Chamber of Commerce or Business Membership Organization

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* 18. If yes, to the previous question, what is the name of the Group

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* 19. Do you receive the Westchester Catalyst Newsletter

Question Title

* 20. Please provide contact info in case we have follow up questions

Please sign up for our Newsletter for the most up to date information https://westchestercatalyst.com/newsletter

Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this survey.