THANK YOU so much for your incredible generosity in continuing to support Radical Access: Year 2!

We hope you are pleased with the work we've been doing and have seen the results of this incredible new program over the course of last year. 

In year one, despite the pandemic, we have been able to produce radio plays, video content, concerts, new play workshops, theatre classes, movie nights, 16 Live Theatre Productions, over 300 performances in multiple venues, and over 13,000 free tickets thanks to Radical Access. Again, during a global pandemic.

By upgrading your monthly donation, you will help ensure we continue to fund all of these amazing programs and that thousands of people from across Cape Breton will continue to enjoy the magic of live theatre. 

Thank you for helping us continue to provide Radical Access.

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* 1. What is the new total you would like to pledge (per month) for your Monthly Donation?

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* 2. Can we continue to use the same payment information?

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* 3. Name or names (for program acknowledgement):

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* 4. Name (for tax receipt):

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* 5. E-mail Address (for tax receipt):

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* 6. Mailing Address (for tax receipt):

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* 7. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?