Question Title

* 1. Please rate this statement (on a scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree): I enjoyed the Friday lunch program (David LaMotte) and food (Chicken Caprese) (comments welcome)

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* 2. Please rate this statement (on a scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree): I enjoyed the Friday dinner program (Tommy Spaulding) and food (Pan Seared Salmon) (comments welcome)

Question Title

* 3. Please rate this statement (on a scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree) I enjoyed the Saturday lunch program (RI Rep Jeff Romine) and food (Chicken Asiago) (comments welcome)

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* 4. Please rate this statement (on a scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree): I enjoyed the Saturday dinner program (awards) and food (Braised Boneless Beef Short Ribs) (comments welcome)

Question Title

* 5. Please rate this statement (on a scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree) I found the Rotary Peace Institute to be inspirational, educational, and informative. Give any specific feedback you think would be helpful in the comments.

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* 6. Please rate this statement (on a scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree) I found the Rotary University breakout sessions to be inspirational, educational, and informative. Give any specific feedback you think would be helpful in the comments.

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* 7. Please rate this statement (on a scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree): Overall, I found the conference to be engaging and entertaining, an opportunity to become more enthusiastic about Rotary, and those I serve with (comments welcome)

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* 8. Housing: If you traveled to Boise, which housing option did you choose and why? What options would you like to see in the future?

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* 9. Venue: Please indicate whether you have any thoughts about the Boise Centre, conference hotels (Hampton Inn and Suites, Residence Inn, or friendship house options). Give any specific feedback you think would be helpful.

Question Title

* 10. Please let us know if you plan to attend the 2020 Rotary District Conference, May 15-17 in Pocatello AND tell us anything else you believe would help us produce an exceptional event.