Question Title

* 1. What are the top three issues from the following list that you would like to learn about through GIA webinars, issue briefs, regional meetings, etc.?

Question Title

* 2. What would you note that your own foundation or organization is a thought leader and subject expert in:  (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. We are exploring new services for members only. Please inform our priorities and relevance to your work. Please check all services that apply and how relevant they would be to your work.

  Very Relevant Somewhat Relevant Not Relevant Not at All Relevant  Not applicable
Specialized technical assistance on age friendly communities
Specialized technical assistance on rural aging
Specialized technical assistance on Reframing Aging
Specialized training and technical assistance on Intro to Aging Philanthropy
Small regional network meetings focused on age friendly communities
Small regional network meetings focused on business acumen
Small regional network meetings focused on rural aging
White papers on emerging issues in aging
Policy updates 
Small group meetings with key policymakers or other national leaders
Mini conference on area of funding priority
Toolkit/Guides on different issues that impact older adults
Webinars on a 201 level
GIA Talks (like TedTalk) videos on Philanthropy and Aging
Other (Please specify.) 

Question Title

* 4. Please rank these features for the members only portal in order of priority that you would like to see GIA employ in the next year.

Question Title

* 5. Please indicate services and/or events that you would like GIA to provide to enhance your membership experience and to strengthen your grantmaking efforts.

Question Title

* 6. To be entered into the raffle to win a $50 Amazon gift card, please provide your contact information

Thank you for your time and important feedback on your membership with GIA!