The Monarch

We invite you to join APH and Humanware on an incredible, hands-on, 90 minute Holy Braille Flyway Feedback session at the NFB National Convention. We are seeking individuals that would like to participate in one of our 90 minute sessions to experience and give feedback on this innovative technology. Please complete the form below and we will contact you if you are chosen to participate in one of our sessions. If chosen, you must sign a non-disclosure agreement and acknowledge that the session will be recorded (audio and video) in order to participate. Space is limited, so please provide the following information to apply:

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Are you a Braille reader?

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* 3. If yes, what is your proficiency?

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* 4. Are you attending the 2023 NFB National Convention in person?

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* 5. Select all of the NFB Division(s) that you are a part of from the following list:

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* 6. Please select all of the dates and times you would be available to participate from the following choices: