Lachlan Shire Asset Management Plans – Community Survey

Council manages a network of infrastructure assets that service the community. The majority of these assets relate to roads, footpaths/cycleways, stormwater drainage, open spaces and recreation assets and community-use buildings.

To support the effective management of these assets, Council has developed a set of draft Asset Management Plans. 

The goal of asset management is to meet a required level of service in the most cost-effective manner, through the management of assets for present and future users.

While everyone would like to have better roads, cheaper water and sewer, greater attractions and higher quality sports grounds – the question is, how do we pay for this infrastructure?

This public consultation process offers the community an opportunity to "Have your Say" on the level of service that Council is able to provide.

All feedback should be submitted by 4:30pm on Wednesday 17 May 2023.

Question Title

* 1. Thinking of the quality of infrastructure, services and facilities in your local area, how satisfied are you with the quality of these assets?

  Not at all satisfied
2 3 4 Very Satisfied         5
Water and Sewer                                                                
Public Buildings                                                                   
Parks and Sporting Grounds                                              

Question Title

* 2. Thinking of the quality of infrastructure, services, and facilities in your local area, how supportive would you be to pay more via rates and charges to receive better services?

  Not at all supportive
2 3 4 Very supportive        5
Water and Sewer                                                                
Public Buildings                                                                   
Parks and Sporting Grounds                                              

Question Title

* 3. What would you propose is the best method to reduce the funding shortfall? e.g. do nothing, reduce services, rely on government grants, continue to lobby the government for an increase in federal revenue

Question Title

* 4. Additional comments:

Should you require further information in relation to this survey please contact Council's Infrastructure Services team on 02 6895 1900 or email

Council would like to thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on the draft Asset Management Plans.