Question Title

* 1. For the items below please rate how much each was a priority in deciding on whether your child was to be involved in the iLearn Program or not.

  Very High Priority High Priority Not considered Low Priority Very Low Priority
Educational Outcomes
Technological skills attainment
Screen Time
Possible Damage to device
Health Concerns - posture, handwriting skills, ergonomics
21st century skills (the set of abilities that students need to develop in order to succeed in the information age)
Teacher ability/expertise
Social equity

Question Title

* 2. I believe that the iLearn Program will make a positive difference to my child's educational outcomes.

Question Title

* 3. I feel that my child will be prepared in attaining 21st century skills (Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Collaborating, Communicating, Information Literacy, Media Literacy, Technology Literacy, Flexibility, Initiative, Social Skills, Productivity, Leaders) by being in the iLearn Program.

Question Title

* 4. I am confident that the iLearn Progam will make a difference to my child's attainment of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) skills.

Question Title

* 5. I feel that my child's involvement in the iLearn Program has positively changed their attitude to learning so far?

Question Title

* 6. I am satisfied with the security of my child's device at school?

Question Title

* 7. I am comfortable in troubleshooting and maintaining my child's device at home.

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* 8. I am satisfied with my child's ability to effectively utilise the device for learning.

Question Title

* 9. What year level is your child in?

Question Title

* 10. Does your child bring their own device to school as part of the iLearn Program?