
Application Instructions
For questions, email

1. Indicate application date
2. Complete name
3. Email
4. Phone number
5. Mailing address
6. Indicate FNU Status (current student, alumnus or faculty member). If you currently are a student, alumnus, and faculty member, you can check all 3 boxes, but you will only be considered for 1 award.
7. If FNU student, indicate current track of study, number of credits completed, and anticipated graduation date
8. If FNU alumnus, indicate degree earned, track, and graduation date.
9. If faculty member, indicate school of employment, rank, number of years of service as a nurse educator
10. Indicate Sigma Theta Tau membership number and membership renewal date.
11. Describe your current or previous contributions to Sigma Theta Tau including the Chi Pi Chapter or any other chapter with which you have been affiliated. Describe how your membership in Sigma Theta Tau has impacted your career as a professional nurse. (approximately 250-400 words)
12. Describe your professional goals as an APRN. Describe how presenting at a scholarly conference will help you meet those goals. (approximately 250-400 words)
13. Describe your research goals and research interests. Describe how this award will help you move towards reaching your research goals. (approximately 250-400 words)
14. Attach a copy of the accepted meeting abstract.
15. Attach a copy of the meeting acceptance letter.
16. Answer affirmatively: I confirm that I will acknowledge Chi Pi grant support in my presentation.
17. Attach a budget for the travel including meeting registration cost, travel costs, and per diem. Include other sources of funding received.
18. Answer affirmatively: I agree to present my work at a Chi Pi chapter meeting or sponsored meeting when asked.
19. Answer affirmatively: If I receive a grant or scholarship from Chi Pi, I agree to submit a headshot and a professional bio within 1 week of notification to be used in chapter correspondence.
20. Answer affirmatively: I confirm that the information in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that if my application is incomplete or submitted after the deadline, it will not be reviewed.

Question Title

* 1. Application Date

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* 2. Name

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* 4. Phone

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* 5. Mailing Address

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* 6. FNU Status (Please indicate each choice that is in alignment with your status at the time of the application. You may choose more than one.)

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* 7. If you are a curent FNU DNP or MSN Student, please complete this information.

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* 8. If you are a FNU Alumnus, please complete this information.

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* 9. If you are a Faculty Member at school of nursing, please complete this information.

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* 10. Indicate Current Sigma Theta Tau Chi Pi Membership

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* 11. Describe your current or previous contributions to Sigma Theta Tau including the Chi Pi Chapter or any other chapter with which you have been affiliated. Describe how your membership in Sigma Theta Tau has impacted your career as a professional nurse. Please indicate if you have served as a chapter office, presented at a chapter meeting or participated in chapter events. (approximately 250-400 words)

Question Title

* 12. Describe your professional goals as an APRN. Describe how presenting at a scholarly conference will help you meet those goals. Describe your passion for advanced practice nursing. (Approximately 25-400 words)

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* 13. Describe your research goals and research interests. Describe how this award will help you move towards reaching your research goals. (Approximately 250-400 words)

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* 14. Attach a copy of the abstract that an organization accepted for presentation at a scholarly meeting.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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* 15. Attach a copy of the meeting acceptance letter indicating that you have been accepted to present a poster or podium presentation at a scholarly meeting.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 16. I confirm that I will acknowledge Chi Pi grant support in my presentation.

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* 17. Attach a budget for the travel including meeting registration cost, travel costs, and per diem. Include other sources of funding received.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 18. I agree to present my work related to this abstract at a Chi Pi chapter meeting or sponsored meeting when asked.

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* 19. If I receive a grant from Chi Pi, I agree to submit a headshot and a professional bio sketch within 1 week of notification to be used in chapter correspondence.

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* 20. I confirm that the information in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that if my application is incomplete or submitted after the deadline, it will not be reviewed.