Question Title

* 1. What are the key issues for women in Wales today that we should be highlighting at our events?

Beth yw’r prif faterion i Fenywod yng Nghymru heddiw y dylem fod yn rhoi sylw iddynt yn ein digwyddiadau?

Question Title

* 2. Which performers/artists/workshop providers should we invite?

Pa berfformwyr/artistiaid/darparwyr gweithdai y dylem eu gwahodd?

Question Title

* 3. Which high profile speakers would you like to hear from?

Pa siaradwyr proffil uchel yr hoffech glywed ganddynt?

Question Title

* 4. Do you know any Welsh women we should invite to speak?

Ydych chi’n adnabod unrhyw fenywod o Gymru y dylem eu gwahodd i siarad?

Question Title

* 5. What would encourage you to attend an event?

Beth fyddai’n eich annog i fynychu digwyddiad?

Question Title

* 6. Any other comments and suggestions?

Unrhyw sylwadau ac awgrymiadau eraill?

If you'd like to discuss this further please contact