Thank you for your interest in seeking seasonal employment with Hotham Resort Management (HRM).
Conditions of employment for employees of HRM are in accordance with the 2021 Enterprise Agreement.
Please complete this form to submit your application - note that your application will not be submitted until you click the “Submit” button at the end of this form. We look forward to reviewing your application.

If you are unsuccessful, your information will be destroyed.  
Please contact the Resort Management office via email if you have any queries e/

Question Title

* 1. Which position are you applying for? Please indicate by numbering 1-3 in order of preference.

Question Title

* 2. Personal Details:

Question Title

* 3. Australian Licence Type:

Question Title

* 8. In 2-3 sentences, please tell us why you want to work at Mt Hotham

Question Title

* 11. All staff at HRM are required to be double vaccinated for Corona virus (COVID-19).  Emergency services employees are to have had at least 2 vaccinations and a booster.  If your application is successful, you will be required to provide proof of vaccination.  Are you able to comply with this requirement?

Question Title

* 12. Anything else you would like us to know about you?

Question Title

* 13. Please indicate how you found this advertised vacancy

Question Title

* 14. Upload your resume

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 15. Please upload a current photo of yourself (for identification purposes only)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 16. Upload your cover letter (Optional)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File
Conditions:   I understand that falsification, omission or misstatement of information, regardless of when discovered, shall be considered sufficient cause for denying employment or termination of my employment.  I authorise the HRM and its representatives to investigate, without liability, any information supplied by me including occupational, police and government records. I also authorise listed employers to make full response to any inquiry by the HRM and its representatives without liability.

Disclosure:  Submission  of  this  application  for  employment  is  considered  authorisation  to  conduct  a background check as a condition of employment and I hereby give the HRM and/or its agents’ authorisation to obtain information relevant to the position being sought.

Privacy: The HRM is committed to complying with applicable privacy legislation and respects the need for privacy protection.  Any information provided in your application for employment will only be used for the purposes of recruitment, selection, and if successful, on-going employment.  

I have read the above information and certify that all information I provided in this application is true and complete by submitting this application.