Living with Bobcats in Tucson

1.Based on the following study area boundaries:

"South of  El Camino del Cerro, east of the Tucson Mountain Park or Saguaro National Park boundary, west of Silverbell Road, north of 36th Street"

Where do you live?
2.I live in Zip Code:

3.Do you think bobcats are common in urban and suburban Tucson?
4.Have you seen bobcats in your neighborhood?
5.If yes, How often over the past year?
6.Have you ever seen a female with kittens in your neighborhood?
7.If yes, how many different litters of kittens have you seen over the past 5 years?
8.If you have seen a bobcat, was it on your property?
9.If no, approximately how far from your house was it?
10.Seeing a bobcat in my neighborhood is (or would be) (Choose one answer that best describes how you feel).
11.Seeing a bobcat in my neighborhood is (or would be): (Choose one answer best describes how you feel)
12.Which statement(s) best describe how you feel about living with urban wildlife: (Okay to choose more than one)
13.If other, please explain
14.I believe bobcats living in urban areas are a public safety hazard.
15.If yes, why? Check all that you think apply:
16.If other, please explain
17.Have you or someone you know directly had a negative interaction with an urban bobcat in Tucson?
18.If yes, what was the nature of the incident? (Please explain)
19.What would be your fear factor of having bobcats in your immediate neighborhood?
20.How knowledgeable are you about bobcat life history and current status in Tucson?
21.Where do you get most of your information on local wildlife? Check all that apply
22.Do you use a rodenticide (poison) to control mice, rats, or packrats at your home or property?
23.If yes, do you use it
24.I would be willing to make changes in my personal behavior in order to support urban wildlife in my neighborhood
25.If Yes, things I would be willing to do: (Mark as many as apply)
26.If you had the opportunity to contribute to a local organization dedicated to research, projects and public outreach efforts aimed at conserving bobcats in the Tucson area, what might that annual contribution be?
27.Do you support governmental agencies spending taxpayer dollars to support projects to conserve and protect urban bobcat habitat around the edges of Tucson’s developed core?
28.How old are you?
29.Are you:
30.How many years of formal education do you have? (Circle highest number of years)
31.Thank you for taking the time to take our survey! 
Please provide comments below if you like.
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