If you are interested in participating in this workshop, please take a moment to answer the questions below.

Once you have completed this form, a member of the P4P team will contact you by email, at which time we ask that you submit a $250.00 deposit to secure your spot in the workshop.

The total cost for the workshop is $1,600.00 (including HST). An invoice for the total amount will be sent out one week prior to the workshop beginning.

PLEASE NOTE - We are only able to develop one plan per family member in each workshop. If you require a plan for a second family member you would need to register for a second spot in the workshop. Please contact us at info@p4p.ca for more information.

In addition, the workshop is offered to one household. Should your family member spend their time between two households we are asking that one caregiver attend the workshop if the caregivers are not currently living together in the same home.

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* 1. Please provide us with your contact information:

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* 2. What is the name and age of the person you are planning for?

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* 3. Please let us know if you would like to create a plan for more than one person with a disability.

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* 4. How would you describe your family member you are planning for?

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* 5. Why are you interested in participating in this workshop?

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* 6. Have you started to develop a housing plan or are you starting from scratch?

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* 7. Are you already working with a facilitator? If so can you explain what you have worked on for your family member you are planning for with the facilitator?

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* 8. What is one outcome you would like to see as a result of your participation?

The 10-week workshop is a comprehensive and intensive learning experience for families. Prior to enrolling in the workshop, families will be asked to review a list of tasks that would be nice to have in place or be thinking about before starting the workshop – this is not however a requirement and we will be able to work on these things during the workshop as well.

Please answer the questions below to give us a sense of where you are with these tasks. The tasks will include:
-Applying to Developmental Services Ontario
-Applying to the Ontario Disability Support Program
-Registering with your local municipalities's housing waitlist
-Accessing supports through the Ministry of Health if required
-Have a support network in place

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* 9. Have you registered with your local municipality's subsidized housing wait list?

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* 10. If your family member is over the age of 18, have you applied to Developmental Service Ontario for funding and have been approved?

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* 11. If your family member is eligible and is over the age of 18, have they accessed Ontario Disability Support Program funding?

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* 12. Do you access home care supports through the ministry of health?

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* 13. Have you begun to develop a support network for your family member?

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* 14. Do you have any questions about the workshop?  Please leave your questions here and a P4P staff member will follow-up with you.

Thank you for taking the time to complete our form.