Business Plan Pitch Competition

When finished applying, please submit your non-confidential pitch deck to This application will close at 11:59 PM on 9/15/22, all applications and pitch decks must be submitted before this time.

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* 1. What is the name of your company?

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* 2. What is your company's current mailing address?

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* 3. Do you have a company website? If yes, please link here. If not, please list N/A.

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* 4. When was your company founded? Eligible applicants must be less than 3 years old.

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* 5. What is your company's mission?

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* 6. How is this company currently funded today? Whom are you funded by? Are you currently raising money? Eligible applicants must have raised at least $500k, and no more than $5M.

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* 7. Who are the current employees of your company, and what are their roles?

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* 8. Who are the members of your board of directors and scientific advisory board? What roles do they serve, if applicable?

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* 9. Have you completed an option or license to any IP? From which institution(s)?

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* 10. What are your plans for growth over the next 2-5 years in terms of staff and funding?

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* 11. Are you currently working in a lab? If yes, where are you working currently? How much space do you occupy? How long have you been there? How many members of your company are actively working?

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* 12. What type of bench work do you aim to perform in our laboratory? Please be specific but do not include anything confidential. Please include biosafety levels, any intended use of recombinant DNA, or select agents. All protocols must fall under BL2 guidelines.

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* 13. Will you need access to any specific pieces of equipment? If so, please list them here.

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* 14. Please enter your contact information here.

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* 15. Please certify that your company will be able to begin occupancy by 12/1/22 at the latest. You must answer yes to this question. If you cannot move in by this date, you will not be eligible for consideration during this round of Launch@LabShares.